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Haluatko apua tai sparrausta yrityksesi pyörittämiseen tai kasvattamiseen.

Noin 200 kokenutta liike-elämän konkaria on valmiina auttamaan sinua ja yritystäsi. Olemme jo 30 vuotta kulkeneet pyyteettömästi yrittäjien rinnalla ja antaneet apua pirkanmaalaisille yrittäjille.

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Dear entrepreneur,

Do you need help to run and develop your company?

Around 200 experienced business leaders are ready to help you and your company. We have been mentoring small and medium-sized companies for 30 years already.

Read more about how we can develop your business together.

Experience helps

In English

Pirkanmaa Business Mentors

Who we are?

Do you need help in operating/scaling your business?

Business Mentors Pirkanmaa has provided help for entrepreneurs for 30 years. We are a non-profit organization that consists of a network of experienced business leaders from different fields.

Today, we have around 200 mentors ready to help entrepreneurs. Our mentors represent a wide range of different businesses and sectors.

In addition to our own network, we have built a business ecosystem around our organization. We are partnering with key stakeholders in our region, such as the Federation of Pirkanmaa region Enterprises (Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry), Tampere Chamber of Commerce (Tampereen Kauppakamari), Council of Tampere region (Pirkanmaan Liitto). Business Mentors Pirkanmaa is part of the National Business Mentors’ network and collaborates with Business Mentors Finland (Suomen Yrityskummit). This extensive network enables us to guide you through the jungle, which an entrepreneur often meets in their business.

With a proven track record of successful mentoring, we are well-equipped to work with startups, small businesses, and medium-sized businesses.

We are ready to help and discuss with you how we can help you manage your businesses in the Tampere Region.

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